Monday, July 16, 2012


Good Monday morning:
I was reminded this weekend of how opportunities for job and career change can happen any time, any place. This weekend, my friend, who would really like a major job/career change met someone in a neighbor's drive way who is in the same line of work. They started talking and now there is a connection made. Will this work out? Who knows yet it always gives me hope and reminds me that these types of opportunities happen every day, every where and often in the most unexpected of places! Lesson- it reminds us to keep our eyes open. You really don't even have to try, just be aware and when something comes along, move on it. At worst you'll make a good contact. At best, you find a new job or dream career.
Q: Have you ever had a time where this has happened to you?  I'll start- I met the President of a company at a swimming pool at a Convention. He gave me great advice and tips about finding what I want in a career and I got to tell him about me. I was very young but if I was more aware, I would have kept in touch with him.

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