Wednesday, July 11, 2012

A good sunny morning. Last night I told my 2 friends I would blog about them this morning. To say they are negative about their jobs is the world's biggest understatement.:) I asked them to think of what they like about their job and in their usual joking fashion, I got answers like: driving home, lunch, turning the computer off... That got me thinking... what can you be grateful for when it seems like there is nothing.
It pays your bills, perhaps it's close to your home, maybe there is at least 1 person you really like at work or a client that you enjoy? Think of that one thing and focus on that to get through the day. If that doesn't work, think of all the good things in your life.

There are times that it is time to look elsewhere for employment and that is just fine. In the meantime, keep smiling at work, don't sweat the small stuff, think before you speak and who cares about everyone else's egos. Just do your thing, smile and do the work that most matters to your employer.

1 comment:

  1. Great blog Lori! Can't wait to read more!
