Monday, August 27, 2012

Demanding Workload and Staying Happy-All options open

Happy Monday morning!
I decided to take some of my own advice. I personally think it's always good to keep all options open. I applied for my 1st job after 15 years. I thought why not. It's good to compare what you have to what is out there. It's important not to think the grass is always greener either. I've decided a few things about this comparison:
  1. I will always go with my gut. I didn't my job before and that was a hard lesson learned.
  2. I will weigh out all my most important must haves- certain $, friendly, fun work environment, flexible, organizations rep for laying people off and most impiortnat- is this the work I really want to do.
  3. Weight out retirement situation
  4. Oddly- when I get selected for a position, I think it's important to spend a day observing. That may sound untraditional but if they really want me they will let me do it. I'm letting my gut kick in. If things are good, there is nothing to hide.
Remember to keep your options open. It's makes you feel better when you know your destiny is in your own hands.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Demanding workload and staying happy- all options open

Talk about a demanding day- It sure was. I have found something that really helped me recently. I decided to look at other work options. I began to creatively think about what I really like to do. My ultimate goal is to get my website finished and work that as well as be able to make a living from it and the off shoots of it. There are other interests I have such as training and career coaching. I have done both professionally on various levels and since I love the work, why not look into what jobs are out there. So, I registered on all the job websites.

You know, it just made me feel better. To know that I could find a dream job. Working a little extra really seems so easy when you are doing what you love. For now, this is the route I am going. Just keeping options open.

I would recommend that to anyone to always keep that resume updated and be open and see what's out there. Remember to think about what you love to do. And if you do something for free and enjoy it, try to imagine how you do it and get paid. These are ways to work yourself into a dream job. In the meantime, keep that good attitude at work and stay happy. Life it too short!

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

demanding work load and staying happy

This is our theme for the week- demanding work load and staying happy. WOW- will we have a lot to cover on this one. This could be a re-occurring theme and may need to be really spread out! Let's begin with how to approach your boss...

Tips I have learned:
Know who your boss is as much as you can. Know their trigger buttons and what they are most passionate about at work.
I find if you come in smiling with a positive attitude, that is the first and very important step
Find out what the goals are of your area and what the bosses biggest issues are. Then you know what type of work to concentrate on...because you can't do everything!
Ask boss to help you re-prioritize your work so you can be responsive to what's important
If everything is important, then let boss know what is going on and let boss make the call on what you need to do
If you need help, talk with you boss about some creative ideas on how to structure your work.

Anyone have anymore, please add and have a great week!

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Life Balance- Taking an Evening Off

Good Morning. I did not feel my best yesterday and I did only the things I like after work...walking the dog and working on my happiness website. It was 7:30pm and people were aksing me to do some fun things but I really wanted to just get in my PJ's and stay in. Well I actually did it, and it wasn't easy at first. I read a great book, watched some TV and re-heated food. Very relaxing. I have to say, not only do I feel better but have my energy back AND have a great attitude at work today.
Some may do I do this with committments in the eve. Here are some suggestions:
  • ask for help from others and see what you can cancel on. If you're sick most don't want to be around you anyway
  • Order dinner
  • get you PJs on- they will get the hint
  • If all you can do is end your eve early, get into bed as early as you can...and get that fav drink, book or whatever gets you to sleep ASAP.
Your goal is to get as much sleep as you need. Everyone at work will appreciate it and you won't have to call off...hopefully :)

Monday, August 13, 2012

Life Balance- Staying with the topic

I decided to stay with this topic a little longer. Today was nuts at work! And this is not the time of the year for nuts! I spent some time over the weekend really trying to put some of my advice into place regarding how to keep work more manageable. So, I talked with my assistant and we talked thru some ways we could be more efficient and projects she would enjoy taking on.  Also discussing what may need to go if we run out of time. I also talked to 2 others to get advice. A colleague and trusted friend said  to keep re-prioritizing and asking your boss what she needs today. One day at a time. As they say- when your give your organization what they want most, typically everything else is forgiven. That usually means money :). Now that work is over, I am going to walk the dog, eat a good meal, work on my happiness website and watch my favorite football team play in the pre-season.  Sounds like a great night! Keep the balance people! 

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Life Balance keeps you more productive at work- SO TRUE

I spent a lot of today thinking about how I am going to keep this life balance. It's summer and it's usually a little slower yet still it's busier than usual. I drove home trying to think of ways to get thru what is about to hit: the busy time for the next several months. Here are some things I thought of:
  • Think of the support activities I do and see if any of it can be delegated
  • If you have support staff, utilize them on most important tasks or on things that are less important that you can let go of doing
  • What really matters is what makes money typically so concentrate on that
  • If there are too many things to do that make money, see what you must do NOW...prioritize
  • Try and combine anything you can
  • Stop leading so many endeavors and let other professionals take's others turn now
  • Give yourself a certain number of hours in general that you will work per day- 10 max for me.
  • Think of times of day that are most productive and work during those times- EX- I'm best in the morning so extra hours there are fine
  • Work from a location that allows me to spend less time commuting
What works for you...feel free to share! Happy Wednesday!

Monday, August 6, 2012

Life Balace Keeps You More Productive at Work-Day 1

How Life Balance Keeps You More Productive at Work- Day 1
Well, I have a very good example. My Dad had a stroke last week. He is in the hospital and now is entering rehab. Talk about stressful! I have decided to go home tomorrow and work with him at the rehab center and just visit with him for the day. A common case of dealing with older parents. A couple of things that make me feel grateful:
1) I can check my email on my phone if I want to or not
2) I have a  project I can work on if Dad is napping or we run out of things to talk about :)
3) I can check Voice mail.
These are great resources to have if you are really busy and don't want to totally be out of the loop. These same resources can be a hindrance if you utilize them unnecessarily. So think about it. Can you just concentrate on your out of work issue or must you work when these things happen...even if it's a vacation and not something as serious? Time to think about your work load, your priorities and what you need to do to have balance.
By the way- I have decided that I can spend a day away from work but if I have a moment and feel the urge, I will do some work. After all, we have vacation days for a reason!

Think about what you do on a day off...are you still working, do you take the day off away from work to refresh, or are you somewhere in the middle?

Life balance Info

Life Balance at Work week

Hi All::
I thought it might be fun to have a theme for each week...and also allowing for issues that come up on the spot to be thrown in as well. We want to be spontanious! I have been thinking about happiness in general as I work on my happiness website. I find at work that Fridays are so much easier for me. Most people are calmer. Friday has a feel to it. You can tell people just want to get to the weekend. It has frustrated me for a long time that we work so much in the USA in general. We don't especially value things like personal growth and balance. The issue is, when we get those things, we are so much better at work! It's a catch 22  as they say. I actually think Mondays can be good because I've noticed that many people in my workplace don't get really rolling with emails and such until at least Monday afternoon. It gives me the morning to get other things done and start my week off right. Think about when you have those times to get things done and really take advantage. It puts you in a better mood to handle the bigger issues of the week.

Next week- our theme will be how life balance makes you more productive at work. Please join and and follow my blog and feel free to post your reactions, thoughts and comments.