Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Life Balance keeps you more productive at work- SO TRUE

I spent a lot of today thinking about how I am going to keep this life balance. It's summer and it's usually a little slower yet still it's busier than usual. I drove home trying to think of ways to get thru what is about to hit: the busy time for the next several months. Here are some things I thought of:
  • Think of the support activities I do and see if any of it can be delegated
  • If you have support staff, utilize them on most important tasks or on things that are less important that you can let go of doing
  • What really matters is what makes money typically so concentrate on that
  • If there are too many things to do that make money, see what you must do NOW...prioritize
  • Try and combine anything you can
  • Stop leading so many endeavors and let other professionals take's others turn now
  • Give yourself a certain number of hours in general that you will work per day- 10 max for me.
  • Think of times of day that are most productive and work during those times- EX- I'm best in the morning so extra hours there are fine
  • Work from a location that allows me to spend less time commuting
What works for you...feel free to share! Happy Wednesday!


  1. These are some great ideas for keeping your life balanced! I think the one that's helped me the most is prioritizing what's most important. That seems to be the key to creating more balance in my life and work.

  2. I am learning that you can't do everything and so many don't realize what they are asking of you. So all you can do is juggle and keep re-prioritizing. There are times you can't be responsive quickly to eveyone and I struggle with that but work at accepting it everyday! Lori
