How Life Balance Keeps You More Productive at Work- Day 1
Well, I have a very good example. My Dad had a stroke last week. He is in the hospital and now is entering rehab. Talk about stressful! I have decided to go home tomorrow and work with him at the rehab center and just visit with him for the day. A common case of dealing with older parents. A couple of things that make me feel grateful:
1) I can check my email on my phone if I want to or not
2) I have a project I can work on if Dad is napping or we run out of things to talk about :)
3) I can check Voice mail.
These are great resources to have if you are really busy and don't want to totally be out of the loop. These same resources can be a hindrance if you utilize them unnecessarily. So think about it. Can you just concentrate on your out of work issue or must you work when these things happen...even if it's a vacation and not something as serious? Time to think about your work load, your priorities and what you need to do to have balance.
By the way- I have decided that I can spend a day away from work but if I have a moment and feel the urge, I will do some work. After all, we have vacation days for a reason!
Think about what you do on a day off...are you still working, do you take the day off away from work to refresh, or are you somewhere in the middle?
Life balance Info
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