Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Keeping job happiness when you are over-worked

Here we are...middle of work week for some. I find myself really busy and trying to remember that I need to stop for a minute and take a breathe. I've read that it helps to stop periodically so you can get yourself together and be more productive. Then people will say: if I stop for even a minute, then I have to stay later to get things done. I recommend a few things there. Talk to your boss about priorities and talk about a reasonable work day. Also, plan for those times you can work later. It shows great work ethic and helps the people in your life know that sometimes you do have to work late. Don't allow people to think you respond to emails at very late hours. If you are working  way past your time, put the email together and  send it the next day. People will begin to expect you to be working late and responding late and that should not be the norm. Remember, to keep your balance means your are much more productive when you are at work. Don't let your workplace eat you alive!
Some quick things you can do:
eat lunch
drink lots of water
take 60 seconds to stop and breath severla times a day
smile a lot
have fun at work
be really nice to people
Do your toughest tasks when you are most alert
Have any more, please add!


  1. Sometimes I will run across the street for a coke or ice cream. Getting away from the office for just a few minutes can make a world of difference.

  2. You are so right! It does clear your head and you're so much more productive. I have been walking in the morning too since it's summer and I think that puts me in a great mindset for work. Although I hate to exrercise in the morning. Wish that were not true.:) Thanks for commenting and keep them coming!
