Friday, July 13, 2012

AHHH it's Friday!  I have been back from vacation for 1 week. As I moved through the week, it got better and better! I appreciated and looked for every good moment and thing at work I could find and things kept getting better...interesting how it works that way! I had an experience this week I'd like to share. I had the opportunity to meet a person who is famous through sports and is now working in my field. I began to think about the importance of networking. All the books will tell you it's how most people find a job. I made a connection with this person. He knows a lot of people and has a lot of influence, especially in the region where I live. My passion is helping others find their happiness. Imagine if this person could connect me to so many others and this could help my passion turn into a thriving business. Also I find when I share this passion of helping others find happiness, people are so receptive to it and they almost always  provide me helpful information about how to move forward.  Remember it doesn't have to be hard.  If you have a dream job or a dream and want to figure out how to make money at what you love, tell everyone you know who is positive. Watch what happens. If you would like to share this info here, please feel free to add a comment about your dream!

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